■ 【記録】2004年度社会JC
- 伊藤美千代:M. Isabella Bisschop et al.,”Chronic diseases and depression: the modifying role of psychosocial resources”,Social Sciences & Medicine, In Press.
- 平野優子:Helen K.Black et al.,”Themes of suffering in later life”, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences,59B(1),S17-S24,2004.
- 善光彩子:Akinori Nakata et al.,""Job stress, social support, and prevalence of insomnia in a population of Japanese daytime workers"Social Sciences & Medicine.In press
- 崎田マユミ: Hynek Pikhart et al.,"Psychosocial factors at work and depression in three countries of Central and Eastern Europe."Social Science & Medicine 58:1475-1482,2004"
- 宮田あや子:Soshi Takao, et al.,"the Japan Work Stress and Health Cohort Study Group Occupational class and phisical activity among Japanese employees ",Social Science & Medicine,57:2281-2289,2003.
- 久地井寿哉:Jason D.Boardman,"Stress and physical health:the role of neiborhood as mediating and moderating mechanisms" Social Science & Medicine58:2473-2483,2004.
- 田口良子: Ute Schulz et al."Turning the tide:Benefit finding after cancer surgery"Social Sciences & Medicine.In press
- T.Bryce: Nicole Dedobbeleer,Francois Beland et.al. "Gender and the social context of smoking behavior"Social Sciences & Medicine58:1-12,2004.
- 溝田友里:Kari Dyregrov.,” Bereaved patient’ experience of research participation”, Social Sciences & Medicine,58:391-400,2004.
- 河合薫:Evangelia Demerouti et al.,”The loss spiral of work pressure, workhome interference and exhaustion: Reciprocal relations in a three-wave study”, Journal of Vocational Behavior 64(1),131-149,2004.
- 板垣貴志:Mario Cardano et al,”Social mobility and health in the Turin longitudinal study”, Social Sciences & Medicine, 58:1563-1574,2004.
- 兵頭千津:James M. Raymo., ”Work at older ages in Japan: Variation by gender and employment status”, The Journal of Gerontology Series B:Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 59:S154-S163, 2004.
- 鈴木昭裕:Emmanuelle Cambois, ”Careers and mortality in France: evidence on how far occupational mobility predicts differentiated risks”,Social Sciences & Medicine 58:2545-2558,2004.
- 星野周也:M.V.Zunzunegui et al,”Social networks and self-rated health in two French-speaking Canadian community dwelling population over 65” Social Sciences & Medicine,58:2069-2081,2004.
- 阿部桜子:Neria L at al,”A longitudinal study of employee adaptation to organizational change:The role of change-related information and change-related self-efficacy” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,9(1),11-27,2004.
- 大庭正裕:Peter Phillips,”The rising cost of health care: can demand be reduced through more effective health promotion?”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 8(4):415-419, 2002.
- 望月(M1):Susan A.Meijer et al.,” Coping style and locus of control as predictors for psychological adjustment of adolescent with a chronic illness.” Social Science & Medicine, 54:1453-1461,2002.
- 竹田雄介:Michel Vezina et al, ”The impact of job strain on social isolation: a longitudinal analysis of French workers” Social Sciences & Medicine,59:29-38,2004.
- 佐藤三穂:Karen D Lincoln et al, ”Psychological distress among Black and White Americans: Differential effects of social support, negative interaction and personal control” Journal of Health and Social Behavior,44(9),390-407,2003.
- 松本佳子:David A Dzewaltowski et al, ”Behavior change intervention research in community settings: how generalizable are the results?” Health promotion international,19(2),2004.
- 藤村一美:Martin Lindstrom, ”Social capital, the miniaturization of community and self-reported global and psychological health.” , Social Science & Medicine, 59:595-607,2004.
- 小出昭太郎:Joshua Guetzkow st al, “What is originality in the Humanities and the Social Sciences?” American Sociological Review, 69:190-212, 2004.
- 山崎先生:Kate Kelley et al, ”RCT of a theory-based intervention promoting healthy eating and physical activity amongst out-patients older than 65 years.” Social Science & Medicine,59:29-38,2004.
- 平野優子:Sharon R. Sears et al, ”The yellow brick road and the emerald city: Benefit finding, positive reappraisal coping, and posttraumatic growth in women with early-stage breast cancer.” Health Psychology, 22(5):487-497,2003.
- Tomas Bryce:James D. Sargent at al, “ Effect of parental R-rated movie restriction on Adolescent smoking initiation : A prospective study.” Pediatrics, 114:149-156, 2004.
- 河合 薫:Lewis E Kazis et al, “Improving the response choices on the veterans SF-36 health survey role functioning Scales” J Ambulatory Care Manage,27(3):263-280, 2004.
- 溝田友里:①M.Canclini et al, “Psychological aspects and coping in haemophilic patients:a case-control study.” Haemophilia, 9:619-624,2003. ②N. Saviolo-Negrin et al,”Psychological aspects and coping of parents with a haemophiliac child: a quantitative approach” Haemophilia, 5:63-68,1999.③G.Goldstein et al, “The impact of chronic disease on the family.”Haemophilia, 8 461-465,2002.
- 崎田マユミ:Tiina Pensola et al, “Life-course experiences and mortality by adult social class among young men.” Social Science & Medicine,58:2149-2170, 2004.
- 阿部桜子:Mustafa ?zbilgin et al, ”The gendered nature of career development of university professors : the case of Turkey.” , Journal of Vocational Behavior , 64:358-371,2004.
- ・ 兵頭千津:Julie L Locker et al, “Social isolation, support, and capital and nutritional risk in an older sample: ethnic and gender differences.” Social Science & Medicine, in press.
- 板垣貴志:Pekka Martikainen et al, “A comparison of socioeconomic differences in physical functioning and perceived health among male and female employees in Britain, Finland and Japan.” Social Science & Medicine,59:1287-1295, 2004.
- 鈴木昭裕:Leslie L. Roos et al, “Socioeconomic determinants of mortality in two Canadian provinces: Multilevel modeling and neighborhood context.” Social Science & Medicine,59:1435-1447, 2004.
- 竹田雄介:C.L.Hart et al, “Childhood IQ and cardiovascular disease in adulthood: prospective observational study linking the Scottish Mental Survey 1932 and the Midspan studies”, 59:2131-2138, 2004.
- 佐藤三穂:Sue Ziebland, “ The importance of being expert : the quest for cancer information on the Internet.” Social Science & Medicine,59:1783-1793, 2004.
- 松本佳子:L.M.Barnett et al, “Program sustainability of a community-based intervention to prevent falls among older Australians.” Health promotion international,19(3):281-288, 2004.
- 加藤礼子:Shelia R Cotton et al, “Characteristics of online and offline health information seekers and factors that discriminate between them.” Social Science & Medicine,59: 1795-1806.2004.
- 望月美栄子:Laura N.Gitlin et al, ”Emerging concerns of older stroke patients about assistive device use.” , The Gerontologist , 38(2) 169-180,1998.
- 住川陽子:John Robert Warren et al, “Job characteristics as mediators in SES-health relationships.” Social Science & Medicine,59:1367-1378, 2004.
- 山崎喜比古:Janine G Walker et al, “Models of adjustment to chronic illness: Using the example of rheumatoid arthritis” Journal of Clinical Psychological Review, 461-488, 2004.
- 伊藤美千代:F.Munir et al, “Dealing with self-management of chronic illness at work: predictors for self-disclosure.” Social Science & Medicine, in press.
- 藤村一美:Ying-Yeh Chen et al, “Women’s status and depressive symptoms:A multilevel analysis.” Social Science & Medicine, 60:49-60, 2005
- 大宮朋子:JOC. Phelan, “ Fear of people with mental illness.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior,45:68-80, 2004.
- 善光彩子:Varpu Loyttyniemi et al, “Work and family as constituents of Sense of Coherence.” Qualitative Health Research, 14(7), 924-941, 2004.
- 宮田(M2)Heisel, M. J. & Flett, G.L.(2004).Purpose in Life, Satisfaction with Life, and Suicide Ideation in a Clinical Sample, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 26(2), 127-135./
- 田口(M2) Lin H.-R. & Bauer-Wu S.M.(2003), Psycho-spiritual well-being in patients with advanced cancer:an integrative review of the literature Journal of Advanced Nursing 44(1),69-80、
- 朴(研究生)Nakata,A. et al., Job stress, social support, and prevalence of insomnia in a population of Japanese daytime workers. Social Science & Medicine 59:1719-1730, 2004.
- 小出(D3) Adab P. et al., 2004, Smoking, respiratory disease and health service utilisation: the paradox, Social Science & Medicine, 60(3), 483-490./
- 平野(D1) Coen H. van Gool et al,"Impact of depression on disablement in late middle aged and older persons: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam."Social Science & Medicine,60:25-36,2005.、Tom(D3): Gammelgaard et al, "Patients' perceptions of informed consent in acutemyocardial infarction research: a Danish study".Social Science & Medicine, 58(2004) 2313-24./
- 兵頭(M1) Krause,N., Stressors Arising in Highly Valued Roles, Meaning in Life, and the Physical Health Status of Older Adults. J. Gerontol. B. Psychol. Sci. Soc. Sci. 2004 59: S287-S297.; Patricia Drentea Retirement and Mental Health J Aging Health, May 2002; 14: 167-194.、
- 崎田(D1) Anna M Ziersch et al., (2005) 'Neighbourhood life and social capital: the implications for health',Social Science & Medicine 71-86./
- 阿部(M1):Desmond,N. et al., A typology of groups at risk of HIV/STI in a gold mining town in north-western Tnzania, Social Science & Medicine 60(2005)1739-1749、
- 河合(D1): sense of coherence and work characteristics:A cross-lagged structual equation model among managers. Taru Feldt, Mika Kivimaki, Ann Rantala and Asko Tolvanen, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 2004 77.323-342./
- 鈴木(M1): Beckers, Debby G.J., et al. "Working overtime Hours: Relations with fatigue, work motivation, and the quality of work", Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Volume 46(12), December 2004, 1282-1289、
- 板垣(M1): Yoram Bar-Tal, et al.,"Whose informational needs are considered? A comparison between cancer patients and their spouses' perceptions of their own and their partners' knowledge and informational needs ",Social Science & Medicine,60:1459-1465,2005./
- 竹田(新M2): The role of social norms and friends influences on unhealthy weight-control behaviors among adolescent girls Marla E. Eisenberg , Dianne Neumark-Sztainer , Mary Story , Cheryl Perry Social Science and Medicine 2005 1165-1173、
- 佐藤三穂(新M2): Brouwer WBF, van Exel NJA & Stolk EA (2005). Acceptability
of less than perfect health states. Social Science & Medicine 60,